Hallinan, Christopher. Embedded Linux primer : a practicalreal-world approach / Christopher Hallinan. p. cm. ISBN978-0-13-701783-6 (hardback : alk. paper) 1. Linux. 2. Operatingsystems (Computers) 3. Embedded computer systems--Programming. I.Title.
Embedded Linux Primer A Practical Realworld Approach Pdf 12
Although this is a primer, intended for developers new toembedded Linux, I am confident that even developers who areexperienced in embedded Linux will benefit from the useful tips andtechniques I have learned over the years.
Look at the code and try to understand the examples produced inthis book. Experiment with different settings, configurationoptions, and hardware devices. You can gain much in terms ofknowledge, and besides, its loads of fun. If you are so inclined,please log on and contribute to the website dedicated to this book,www.embeddedlinuxprimer.com. Feel free to create an account, addcontent and comments to other contributions, and share your ownsuccesses and solutions as you gain experience in this growingsegment of the Linux community. Your input will help others as theylearn. It is a work in progress, and your contributions will helpit become a valuable community resource.
There's a great deal of excitement surrounding the use of Linux in embedded systems -- for everything from cell phones to car ABS systems and water-filtration plants -- but not a lot of practical information. Building Embedded Linux Systems offers an in-depth, hard-core guide to putting together embedded systems based on Linux. Updated for the latest version of the Linux kernel, this new edition gives you the basics of building embedded Linux systems, along with the configuration, setup, and...
This practical technical guide to embedded middleware implementation offers a coherent framework that guides readers through all the key concepts necessary to gain an understanding of this broad topic. Big picture theoretical discussion is integrated with down-to-earth advice on successful real-world use via step-by-step examples of each type of middleware implementation. Technically detailed case studies bring it all together, by providing insight into typical engineering situations readers... 2ff7e9595c